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  • 06/01/2024 0 Comments
    AAC Treatment Plans in Hingham, Pembroke and Norwood, MAv

    Learn More About Augmentative Alternative Communication

    Does your child struggle with communication? Perhaps you can tell they're trying to get a message across, but they're clearly frustrated with their lack of effective communication. At South Shore Therapies, we're dedicated to helping children just like yours. We provide premier augmentative alternative communication therapies in order to better your child's ability to express themselves. Our services are available to Hingham, Pembroke and Norwood, MA residents and those living in the surrounding communities. Your child doesn't have to struggle with communication breakdowns—our team would be glad to help find a suitable treatment plan.

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  • 06/01/2024 0 Comments
    Handwriting Skill Development in Hingham, Pembroke and Norwood, MA

    We Offer Fine Motor & Handwriting Skill Development for Kids

    Children must first master fine motor skill development and the fundamentals of handwriting before they’re ready for written communication. For some children, this can be a struggle. As a handwriting skills and occupational therapy specialist in Hingham, MA, South Shore Therapies Inc. offers a solution. Occupational therapy helps kids target the muscles and ligaments responsible for writing and gripping writing tools while also teaching them how to control the pressure, spacing, size, and direction of their written work. If you believe your child could benefit from fine motor and handwriting skill development help, don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule a consultation with our caring, experienced staff. We utilize a multi-sensory approach and fun activities to make learning handwriting skills seem less tedious.

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  • 06/01/2024 0 Comments
    Sensory Integration Therapy in Hingham, Pembroke & Norwood, MA

    South Shore Therapies provides sensory integration therapy utilizing the principles of development, neuroscience, and therapeutic activities to help children in Southern Massachusetts achieve independence and fulfillment.

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  • 06/01/2024 0 Comments
    Speech Therapy for Stuttering in Southern Massachusetts

    Stuttering can make it hard for your child to communicate, interact with peers, and participate in school. Stuttering can also affect a child’s emotional and social development and increase their risk of anxiety, fear, depression, isolation, and antisocial behavior. At South Shore Therapies, we offer individualized services for stuttering in Hingham, Norwood, and Pembroke, MA. 

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  • 06/14/2021 - Jessica Szklut. Hi, I am an occupational therapist at South Shore Therapies. I specialize in pediatirc brain injury and stroke, but love working with all families to help kids reach their optimal potential. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    What Is Visual Processing And How Does It Impact Learning?

    Vision is a complicated process - it is much more than just how well we see. Vision is a combination of visual acuity (eyesight), how our eyes function (tracking, eye teaming), and visual processing. This article will focus on the components of - and importance of - visual processing (visual perception) in learning. 

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  • 05/24/2021 - Allison Minsky. Hi, I am a Speech-Language Pathologist at South Shore Therapies. I am passionate about planning and delivering creative, individualized treatment designed to meet the unique needs of each of my clients. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    What is Childhood Apraxia of Speech?

    May is Apraxia Awareness Month. Check out this article to learn more about childhood apraxia of speech.

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  • 05/17/2021 - Jessica Szklut. Hi, I am an occupational therapist at South Shore Therapies. I specialize in pediatirc brain injury and stroke, but love working with all families to help kids reach their optimal potential. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    Kids Have Strokes Too: What is Pediatric Stroke?

    Did you know that strokes can happen at any age? That means kids can have strokes too! Check out this article to learn more about pediatric stroke.

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  • 04/12/2021 - Ashleigh Moore. Hi, I am a Speech-Language Pathologist at South Shore Therapies. I am passionate about planning and delivering creative, individualized treatment designed to meet the unique needs of each of my clients. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    How Friend Files Can Teach Building Friendships and Sparking Conversations

    Check out this article to learn how Friend Files can support the skill development need to build peer-to-peer relationships.

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  • 04/05/2021 - Allison Minsky. Hi, I am a Speech-Language Pathologist at South Shore Therapies. I am passionate about planning and delivering creative, individualized treatment designed to meet the unique needs of each of my clients. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    Why Letting Your Child Lead is Important in Language Development

    Patience is virtue. When you let your child lead, they’ll want to communicate with you even more. Check out this article to learn why the OWL approach helps your children develop the language they need to reach their optimum potential.

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  • 03/22/2021 - Allie Kimmelman. Hi, I am an occupational therapist at South Shore Therapies. I love working with children through a family-centered care approach. It is a passion of mine to help families problem solve life’s daily challenges, big and small. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    Sensory Strategies To Help With Grooming Activities With Your Children

    Knowing that many activities of daily living can be extremely taxing, and even overwhelming for our kids allows us to prepare and proactively implement strategies to promote a more successful experience for everyone involved. Click here for a list of strategies and resources to help improve hair and nail clipping experience with you kids.

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  • 03/08/2021 - Allison Minsky. Hi, I am a Speech-Language Pathologist at South Shore Therapies. I am passionate about planning and delivering creative, individualized treatment designed to meet the unique needs of each of my clients. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    Executive Functioning in Kids, Here’s How We Can Help (From Your Speech Therapist)

    Executive functioning is a set of mental skills that our kids use every day to actively engage in daily life skills, learn and play. Executive functioning is responsible for your child’s ability to sustain attention, organize and plan, initiate and complete, problem solve and regulate emotions. There are many different ways to address breakdowns in the area of executive functioning. Your therapy team works together to address ‘the whole child’ so they can perform at their best. Check out some ways in which speech therapy can focus on improving your child’s executive functioning skills. 

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  • 03/08/2021 - Jessica Szklut. Hi, I am an occupational therapist at South Shore Therapies. I specialize in pediatirc brain injury and stroke, but love working with all families to help kids reach their optimal potential. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    Executive Functioning in Kids: Here’s How We Can Help (From Your Occupational Therapist)

    Executive function is a set of mental skills that our kids use every day to actively engage in daily like skills, learn, and play. Executive function is responsible for your child’s ability to sustain attention, organize and plan, initiate and complete, problem solve, and regulate emotions. There are many different ways to address breakdowns with executive functioning skills. Your therapy team works together to address ‘the whole child’ so they can perform at their best. Check out some ways in which occupational therapy can focus on improving your child’s executive functioning skills. 

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  • 02/22/2021 - Jessica Szklut. Hi, I am an occupational therapist at South Shore Therapies. I specialize in pediatric brain injury and stroke, but love working with all families to help kids reach their optimal potential. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    How To Practice Cultural Humility With Your Kids

    Cultural Humility is defined as a way or incorporating multiculturalism through flexibility and awareness of bias. It is a lifelong, learning-oriented approach to working with diversity; and a recognition of the role of power in health care interactions. As we enter the last week of black history month, we wanted to highlight the importance of yrarlong and life long learning as it relates to race and cultural. This article aims to provide ways in which you and your child can engage in, and practice, cultural humility.

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  • 02/01/2021 - Jessica Szklut. Hi, I am an occupational therapist at South Shore Therapies. I love working with families to help kids reach their optimal potential. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    Handwriting For Kids

    Handwriting for Kids in Hingham, Pembroke, & Norwood, MA

    Build Confidence and Skill with Handwriting Practice for Kids

    South Shore Therapies specializes in handwriting for kids in our Hingham, Pembroke, and Norwood, MA locations. The importance of handwriting for kids is often overlooked, but it is a fundamental part of your child’s academic, mental, personal, and even physical growth. We’re here to help your child master the skill with practical strategies, techniques, and therapies. Our goal is to give you and your child the tools and tips for improving your kids' handwriting so your child feels confident and able at home, in school, and everywhere else.

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  • 01/25/2021 - Amanda Young. Hi, I am an occupational therapist at South Shore Therapies. I am passionate about supporting children’s differences and highlighting their strengths, in addition to helping their caregivers reframe their thinking about their child’s challenges. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    Why It Is So Important For Parents to Validate Their Children

    Emotional validation is defined as the process of learning about, understanding, and accepting another person’s emotions. Validation helps us connect with others, including our children, in addition to promoting self-confidence, emotional intelligence, and growth. This blog post will help you understand what validation is, why it’s important, and how you can incorporate it into your everyday parenting.

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  • 12/13/2020 - Kathleen Austin. Hi, I am an Occupational Therapy Supervisor at South Shore Therapies. I specialize in working/supporting children with sensory and/or behavioral challenges. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    How to Predict and Prepare for Your Child's Next Meltdown

    As we navigate through a global pandemic and the multitude of changes that brings about, now more than ever our children are expected to adapt and “go-with-the flow”, but that isn't always the reality. As caregivers, it is our role to identify when and why these behaviors occur. Read more to learn about common triggers and how you can start to predict the when and why behind your child’s meltdowns.

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  • 12/13/2020 - Kathleen Austin. Hi, I am an Occupational Therapy Supervisor at South Shore Therapies. I specialize in working/supporting children with sensory and/or behavioral challenges. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    Tips and Tricks to Help Manage Your Child’s Behavior and Avoid Meltdowns

    Now that we have learned some of the common triggers for behavior and donned our detective hats, it’s time to investigate some tips and tricks to help manage those behaviors. Check out this article for some helpful hints during those difficult moments. 

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  • 12/13/2020 - Jessica Szklut. Hi, I am an occupational therapist at South Shore Therapies. I specialize in pediatirc brain injury and stroke, but love working with all families to help kids reach their optimal potential. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    Embracing The Growth Mindset With Your Child

    A growth mindset is a view that ones abilities and talents are something that grows through practice. A mindset that embraces challenges, supports hard work, and encourages problem solving and learning through exploration (and occasionally failure). Providing an environment that views failures and mistakes as learning opportunities allows our kids to explore fearlessly, learn who they are and become the best version of themselves. This article provides a variety of ways you can promote the growth mindset with your children. 


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  • 12/13/2020 - Allison Minsky. Hi, I am a Speech-Language Pathologist at South Shore Therapies. I am passionate about planning and delivering creative, individualized treatment designed to meet the unique needs of each of my clients. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    Conversation Skills During the Holiday Season

    Conversations are the foundation for building friendships and relationships and are the key to social success. Here are a few social communication strategies to teach your kids how to start and maintain their their holiday conversations. 

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  • 12/12/2020 - Allison Minsky. Hi, I am a Speech-Language Pathologist at South Shore Therapies. I am passionate about planning and delivering creative, individualized treatment designed to meet the unique needs of each of my clients. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    What are Phonological Processes?

    Many children's intelligibility is impacted by the use of phonological processes. These are simpliciations of difficult-to-produce adult sounds. 

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  • 12/12/2020 - Jessica Szklut. Hi, I am an occupational therapist at South Shore Therapies. I love working with families to help kids reach their optimal potential. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    What are Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)?

    An activity of daily living – also known as an ADL – is a primary occupation an individual needs to perform every day. Both kids and adults need to engage in ADLs in order to function within their environment. Read more here. 



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  • 12/12/2020 - Allison Minsky. Hi, I am a Speech-Language Pathologist at South Shore Therapies. I am passionate about planning and delivering creative, individualized treatment designed to meet the unique needs of each of my clients. Our mission with SST's social media platform is to empower, educate and inspire families to take on life’s challenges while promoting an optimistic outlook and a brighter future. If you want to read more about us, visit 0 Comments
    What is Pragmatics?

    Pragmatic language, or the rules we follow when we communicate in social sitautions, is broken down into three major skills: using language for different reasons, changing language for the listener or situation, and following rules for conversation and storytelling. Pragmatic language is necessary to have effective and meaningful communication with others.

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